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1:21 PM - Sunday, Oct. 22, 2006
My baby's growing up...........
Well, I received an email from my mom about 3 days ago telling me Breanna had her very first loose tooth!! The following day she shot me another email. This one she tells me that Breanna came running out of school screaming about loosing her tooth!

Apparently she was in gym when it finally came out. The school nurse put it in a bag for her to bring home. My Step-Dad has been tellng her all about the 'Tooth Fairy', so she was really excited about loosing her tooth. He gave her a dollar for the tooth. My mom's gonna save it.

I just can't believe she's growing up that fast! I remember when I was going to another trade school I was bragging about her first tooth coming in!! Now I'm going to school at ITT and bragging to people about her loosing her first tooth! When did she get big enough to start l osing teeth? When did she get old enough to be in the first grade?

It's really hard to believe she's getting older. It seems like yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital. It seems like it was yesterday when we still had to change her diapers. and bottle feed her. I remember exactly when she took her first steps. Her father wasn't there, naturally. I remember when she first said "I Love You". It was over the phone to me while I was in Boot Camp. I remember her first birthday party and everyone who came. I remember her learning to crawl around. What's next on the road down memory lane? Who knows..................



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